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Step-By-Step Guide To Selling

When you sell your property with us, we will take you through a tailored plan that gives you details on everything that will take place, step by step.

Here is our brief introduction to selling your property and the help we can offer.

  1. FREE Accurate Valuation

Our aim is to sell your property at the highest possible price in the quickest possible time. All of our professional valuation experts have a broad knowledge of the property market both in general terms and in your specific area.

We stay ahead of changes in the market, keeping up to date with trends and other factors that can affect property prices. When you choose a free valuation, you gain access to years of experience gained from conducting valuations and seeing them turn into sales.

  1. Selecting An Agent

Choosing an agent with the skills and experience needed to get you the best price for your property is a solid investment. We create a bespoke service that is targeted with your requirements in mind.

We pride ourselves on quality of service. We aren’t just property experts, we are also marketing experts. We have built up an extensive database of prospective buyers; essentially a queue of financially-viable buyers simply waiting for information about properties they may be interested in.

We are consistently reaching out to potential buyers with printed media, an impressive online presence and fresh, modern office spaces which are welcoming and accessible.

  1. Instruct A Solicitor

It is important that you choose a solicitor before you begin the sales process.

This way, things simply move faster and more smoothly when you agree an offer on the property. Any hold-ups, delays or issues with your solicitor can jeopardize a sale, so choosing a solicitor you trust and who is experienced in property sales is absolutely crucial.

If you would like us to recommend a trusted firm for your sale, please contact us.

  1. Present The Property

One of the most important parts of selling a property is knowing how to present it and show it off in its very best light. When we want to attract buyers, we need to show them the potential in the property so that they can visualize making the property into their own space.

We can provide tailored advice on how you can best present your property; from DIY projects to sprucing it up with a de-clutter.

We understand the importance of presenting the property in the right light when marketing it too. We use professional photographers to get images that best reflect the property.

  1. Marketing The Property

If you want to sell a property, then it makes sense to reach out the largest pool of prospective buyers as possible. We are proud of our marketing expertise and we feel that it is this marketing know-how that sets us apart from other agencies.

All of our marketing is tailored to the individual property. We use a mixture of traditional marketing methods; a visible presence on the high street with welcoming offices and eye-catching window displays that promote your property, extensive print media, and more modern methods including high traffic websites, search engine optimization and social media.

We actively target prospective buyers from the local area and much further afield, seeking out global buyers as well as the local market.

  1. Accompanied Viewings

All of our prospective buyers are accompanied by a member of staff who can guide them around the property and provide instant answers to any questions they may have. This also allows us to collect reliable feedback from the viewer, which is invaluable information.

We carry out more viewings when other agents are closed, so we can sell your property quicker and for the best price possible.

  1. Viewing Feedback

The information we receive from prospective buyers who have viewed the property is extremely valuable both for us as the agents and for you as the seller. Feedback from viewings can provide vital information about the property that can be used to tailor our approach to marketing it. This in turn can have a huge impact on the sales process.

We don’t hold back negative feedback – we know from experience that sometimes constructive criticism is incredibly useful and insightful. There is no such thing as bad feedback! Keeping you up to date with honesty and transparency is one of our key commitments.

  1. Accepting An Offer

When a buyer makes an offer on your property, we will let you know verbally and in writing, advising you on any queries the buyer may have or any special terms or conditions they have requested.

If you accept the offer, we move forward immediately to arrange the sale. This involves us preparing what is known as a Memorandum of Sale and confirming the details of the sale, including the agreed price, in writing to the seller, the buyer and their respective solicitors.

You will continue to communicate with the dedicated professional who will have managed the sale throughout, ensuring that your sale is always dealt with by your trusted adviser.

  1. Exchange of Contracts

Once all inquiries have been answered and a formal mortgage offer received by the buyer’s solicitor, exchange of contracts can take place.

Once the contract has been signed by both parties the deposit (usually 10% of the purchase price) will be telegraphically transferred or paid in the form of a banker’s draft by the buyer’s solicitor to your solicitor. The completion date is then set by mutual agreement.

  1. Completion

Completion is when the balance of funds (usually 90%) are transferred from the buyer’s solicitor to your solicitor’s account.

Your solicitor will call you when the money has cleared in your account and will inform us to release the keys.

Congratulations, your property is now sold!