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Data Collection-Retention-Usage- Storage- Protection Policy:

We are in compliance with our obligations under Data Protection Act 2018-GDPR.
Please note that we are registered with the Information Commissioner.
Our registration number is ZA504963.

General Data Collection Policy:

We obtain and retain data for the purposes of providing our services as Estate Agent. For example in agreeing initial brief with the Landlords, Vendors, arranging viewings for Tenants, Buyers , coordinating arranged viewing with the owner- third parties.

Our data protection policy is in line with our compliance obligations under the DPA Act 2018- GDPR. We have implemented staged process for collection-retention-usage- storage-protection of our customer data. Please note that no unauthorised individual is given access to your date at any stage. We will communicate to you and notify the ICO normally within 24 hours of any potential data breaches should it in the very unlikely event to happen.

For your reference the details of our staged data collection- retention-usage-protection process is as follows:

For Tenants:

Stage 1

During the first stage of data collection, we will collect your name(s), current residential address, your contact details, your profession, your earnings and your preference for the viewings. All the collected data is collected-stored electronically with the Microsoft-Google cloud based format. No unauthorised individual is given access to your data.

Stage 2

Following on from our first stage , we move to stage 2 of our data collection, where we may collect further financial data such as proof of your earnings- bank statement(s)- self assessment data- past reference. We store-retain stage 2 data in the similar electronic format supported by Microsoft-Google.

Stage 3

After 2 nd stage we may carry out our internal referencing based on the introduction provided. This is stage 3 reference stage of your data.

Reference Data:

We will carry out internal-external (optional) reference based on the provided information . This is stage 3 process, where we examine your financial data provided at stage 2. We carry out this examination to assess your suitability for the tenancy. We may at this stage suggest alternative properties for your viewings if we have identified any issues with your suitability.

General Retention of Data:

We retain your data for the purposes for the following purposes:

  • Marketing-Sales Purposes.
  • Internal Record Keeping.
  • Undertaking-fulfilling our Contractual obligations with you.
  • Fulfilling our Legal-Regulatory Requirements.

Lawfulness of the Collected-Retained Data:

The basis for obtaining – collection- retention of your data is our business relationship, consensual- contractual, and to comply with our legal obligations in carrying out our duties as estate agents.

Purpose limitation:

The purpose of collection-retention of your data is to provide our services. We only collect-retain data to provide our agreed services with you and our internal marketing purposes. We don’t provide your data to third parties for any other services then our agreed services.

Deletion of financial data:

We may retain your personal data for the 6 years and financial data for assessing your suitability for the tenancy- and throughout the duration of your tenancy agreement.
However, you may request your data to be deleted from our internal records. On receiving your request we may delete your data or provide you with our reasons for retaining your data. Pleas note that we may be required by Law to retain your data , in these circumstances we will give you our reasons for retaining your data.

Please note that we ourselves don’t sent your data to outside EEA.

Fairness of data retention:

When you have made data deletion request , and in considering whether to comply with your request we will balance out needs to comply with our regulatory requirements and your request and consider the following factors:
– Purpose of retaining your data.
– Fairness of this request.
– Any legal-Regulatory requirement to retain your data.