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Finding the right tenant for your property is our ultimate aim. Arranging corporate lettings are just one of the ways that we ensure every property reaches its full rental potential with a tenant who can be relied upon.

We have extensive experience in matching the perfect tenants to the right properties and our reputation in providing great service has made us one of the biggest names in Essex.

We work with employers and relocation agents to match professional tenants with secure properties in great locations. Often, corporate lettings are dependent on the perfect location, and sometimes they have additional requirements that can only be met by a particular type of property. Your property could be just what is needed by a professional tenant keen to secure a reliable let.

Corporate lettings may be for shorter or longer-term tenancies. While longer tenancies deliver a consistent, reliable rental income, shorter lettings can command a premium fee. However long the tenancy is, we take care of all the legal and logistic considerations, from arranging valuations and viewings, to negotiating contracts. We can manage the property entirely during the tenancy, so you can relax and simply collect your rental income, hassle-free.

One of the benefits of a corporate let is that rental income is often paid by the company or employer, making the payment of rent particularly reliable and consistent.

We can tell you if your property is suited to corporate tenants and what the potential rental income for your property could be. We will provide a valuation free of charge and without obligation.